How to apply for membership
The Society of Finnish Composers is an organisation for professional composers. All concert (classical) music composers who are residents or citizens of Finland can apply for membership.
There are no style criteria. All applications are evaluated individually keeping in mind that the concept of concert music constantly evolves. Our members include composers of electroacoustic music as well as composers drawing their influence from jazz.
Application criteria
According to the rules of the Society, membership criteria include the artistic value, scope and diversity of the applicant’s repertoire, and the level of professionalism.
Artistic value and professionalism are evaluated mainly based on composition samples. In our evaluation we, among others, take into consideration:
- Uniqueness of the musical material
- Level of the composition technique
- Realisation of musical ideas
- Meticulousness and functionality of the notation.
We require that your music has been performed publicly by professional musicians. Performances internationally or nationally in significant context will be considered as an advantage. In Finland such context would for example be:
- Concerts by member orchestras of the Association of Finnish Symphony Orchestras
- Concerts in member events of Finland Festivals
- Established concert series
- Radio and television broadcastings.
Published or recorded works, and success in composition competitions will also be considered an advantage. Please, remember to add these on your list of works in which you demonstrate the extent and diversity of your repertoire.
Two applications deadlines yearly
Application deadlines are on 31 January and 31 August each year.
To apply for membership, please, send us an informal application that includes the following:
1. Motivation letter that states why you are applying for membership.
2. Curriculum vitae, with the following data
- Date of birth
- Permanent residency and address
- Relevant studies, teachers and degrees
- Any grants, competition wins or other merits that demonstrate the professional nature of your work.
3. Catalogue of works (for each work include):
- Year of composition, duration and instrumentation
- Date of first performance and performer, and any other performances you deem relevant (e.g., broadcastings and recordings)
- Commissioner for commissioned works
- Publisher if applicable
4. Samples of works (3 to 5 works)
- Choose works that give a comprehensive look at your repertoire (duration, instrumentation, performances etc.)
- The sample must include the score or another descriptive notation (e.g., written guide for the performance, technical rider, concept description or similar)
- Add available recordings
- If you have composed a sampled composition with another composer, please, specify the division of work among the composers, if not clearly evident based on the included material. Also clarify if any of the stages traditionally included in the work of a concert music composer, such as orchestration, was not made by you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information about the application process.
The Board discusses applications twice a year.
If needed the Board can consult the Annual General Meeting before its decision.
The decision is final, however, if your application is rejected you can apply again at a later date.
How to send your application
Please send your application with email to
In case you cannot email your application, please, send two copies of your application to Suomen Säveltäjät ry, Keilasatama 2 A, 02150 Espoo, Finland.
Membership fee
The Annual General Meeting sets the membership fee. At present the fee is one per cent of Teosto’s domestic distribution, however, at least 80 euros and not more than 240 euros yearly.